InterfAIS AIS en/decoder
Interfais is a software development library which can receive AIS messages and convert them to an object-oriented representation, which makes it very easy for applications to access the contents of the message. And, naturally, the reverse process is also possible, so that the application can easily generate any AIS message in its binary form.
Interfais implements the full range of AIS messages, and as such it pays back very fast compared to hand-coding en- and decoding of each possible AIS-message and its representation in NMEA VDM/VDO encapsulation.
- Full compliance with ITU 1371-3
- NMEA VDM/VDO support
- Generates AIS messages (encoding)
- Parses AIS messages (decoding)
- Runs with applications in Java
- Standard version available for Linux and Windows
- High performance: Decodes 500+ msgs per sec on standard 1.4 GHz PC
- Mature, field-proven, unparalleled stability
You can read the Java Docs here
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read moreENC/S52 Rendering Engine
Implements the International Hydrographic Organization's (IHO) ECDIS S57/S52 standard in pure Java making it available on all platforms supported by the Java SE.
- Support for S57 chart cells
- Support for S63 chart cells (dongle based)
- Support for NATO Additional Military Layers (AML)
- ECDIS standard viewing group support allowing for advanced feature display control
- Works out of the box as a layer in OpenMap making it possible to quickly add S52 support to existing OpenMap based applications
- Easy to integrate into other GIS environments (requires the SDK)
- LRU caching and spatial indexing of cell content for optimum rendering performance
- Can be combined with a tile server to display ENC/S52 charts anywhere